Suede's days

Forty three and just learning to be a mum

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Picture perfect

The Drudester and I went to a gig last night to see one of the best female jazz vocalists in Britain, the multi-award winning Liane Carroll. Her albums are on Splashpoint records, which the Drudester has some ownership interest in. He also coproduced a couple of her albums I think. Sumfink like that, I dunno really.
Anyway, Liane Carroll was the bollocks. The Drudester had descibed her as having the look of a large tuck-shop lady and the genius of Jimi Hendrix. He was right.
She smoked and drank her way through the first set and then during the break she came and talked to the Drudester. He introduced me and told Liane of our inpending nuptuals. Liane was ecstatic and clasped me repeatedly to her bossoms (yes, I think she has more than one pair).
Liane was a really lovely lady and she seemed genuinely delighted about the wedding. During the second set she announced that her next song was for the Drudester and me. The song was called "Ever since I put your picture in a frame". The lyrics are words to the effect of "I will love you forever - I have loved you since I put your picture in a frame". When she started singing the Drudester leaned over and said in my ear that this was his favourite song of Liane's.
I was really touched by the song, and I almost got teary by the end of it. It started me thinking of a picture the Drudester has of me that sits above our bed. It was taken a few months after we first started going out almost 14 years ago. We went away for the weekend to somewhere in Devon. The weather was terrible and everywhere we went everything was closed. But we still had the best time, just because we were together. It was the time when we were first falling in love. The Drudester took a picture of me sitting on a wall. It's not a particularly attractive picture of me, but he loved it and framed it and put it on the wall.
Three or four years later I was in England with another boyfriend and the Drudester had gotten in contact with me. I went over to his place with my then boyfriend. He was there with his then-girlfriend.
And I remember that I noticed that he still had on his wall that picture of me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

next episode please

3:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

about time for the next episode mum

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

about time for the next episode mum

3:59 AM  

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