Suede's days

Forty three and just learning to be a mum

Friday, April 14, 2006

No-so-good Friday

Hello peeps,
Am sat in bed while the Drudester toddles off to rehearsal. Lazy bugger sat around watching repeats of Friends for an hour this morning but apparently didn't have time to give me the promised five minutes of guitar lesson.
And he won't let me drive the car to Asda (grocery/department store akin to Coles or Kmart). He keeps giving the lamo excuse that I am not insured, and what if I had a crash, I would be arrested.
I pointed out that I've only ever had one crash while I was driving, and the rest had to do with parking and reversing. And the guy whose car I totalled wasn't really that upset as it wasn't his car. And there were mitigating circumstances ie I had just spent the weekend jumping out of a plane.
The Drudester is not buying it and has now left me with instructions to take the bus.
Decided to get him back by withholding sex,but have realised the basic flaw in that plan (ie slicing off one's own proboscis). So have decided to hide all guitar picks and eat all cakes in house.
That'll learn him.


Blogger db said...

I have decided I'm going to love this blog - you've been added to my favourites!

db :)

4:07 PM  

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